Off to Vegas

Not really doing “Vegas” per se, but I am headed to the general vicinity of Las Vegas this week. Vegas is one place I’ve never been, and I feel like I’ve traveled the US extensively. I’m getting psyched; however, I always miss my guys so much when I’m gone. So there’s that. [Insert: frowny, tear drop face] Why…

About them Trials

Um yeah, about that Olympic Trials Marathon. Wow. I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck, but in the best way possible. Like in cartoons, when the road runner repeatedly gets Wile Coyote run over, but he always bounces right back like nothing happened. That’s what the Trials were like. I got run…

Hopes and dreams for these Trials

My hopes for this Olympic Trials Marathon are pretty simple. First, to complete it in a reasonable time – reasonable because I want to believe that I have learned how to marathon and even if I’m undertrained, I’m still faster or as fast as my previous self. Second, I want to inspire myself for what’s…

Popcorn bars

As per usual, this recipe is weird. Set all visions of crunchy, salty, buttery popcorn out of your mind. Popcorn in this bar replaces puffed millet or puffed rice that bar-making companies gravitate towards. We have a stockpile of popcorn, yellow and blue. Have you ever noticed how much popcorn a half a cup of…

Peanut butter jello

JELL-O hasn’t come up with peanut butter jello yet, have they? No clue. Well, it doesn’t matter because this is even better than plain ol’ peanut butter jello. It’s so gelatinous, I will really call it peanut butter jigglers. I guess, if you’re not a fan of either peanut butter or jello, then read no further.…

Pop Tart – not really, not at all

How embarrassing, did I post earlier this with basically no content!? I’m off my blogging rocker.  You mean, when you hit “post” accidentally, it actually posts! Whoops. I don’t think I’ve lost my mind. And, okay, this recipe is not really a pop tart at all. I’ve never purchased Pop Tarts nor have I consumed more than…

The need for sweat and support

My Garmin was reading O so slowly yesterday as I completed this six mile workout – a mile warm up and half a mile cool down and everything in between was alternating between 5 minutes hard and 3 minutes easy. It felt overly taxing compared to how it should. The good thing is that I…

Racing again

There is this cloud looming over the thought of racing again. It’s like a dream where you’re being chased by a wild beast and, try as you may, you just can’t run fast. No matter how slow, I have scheduled a few races in the near future. They may be called “races” but I’m looking…

Sauerkraut morning, noon & night

I should amuse your taste buds with something crazy for a change. How is your relationship with sauerkraut? To me, it’s like marathoning. I just can’t get enough of either but both go a long way. We are definitely in the heat of marathon season. Fun to follow all the races and hear stories of…

Gray Reunion Part II

Gray reunion “Part I” took place six years ago. Reunion Part I and Part II were unsurprisingly familiar, all the way down to the part where we have to dial 9-1-1 and receive medical assistance. We’re hoping that the third time’s a charm so when next we gather here… …on the Gray farm in another five or six years,…